5 Common Rosacea Triggers You'll Want to Avoid
January 18, 2019There are some skin conditions that—albeit bothersome—can be dealt with easily. Dry skin can be tended to with moisturizing products while acne can be addressed with ingredients that treat and prevent blemishes. When a skin condition is chronic, however, it may subside for a while but could be triggered again by certain factors. Psoriasis and eczema are among them, and so too is rosacea.
Rosacea affects approximately 16 million Americans (or 5 percent of the entire population), and can persist throughout a person’s entire lifetime in a frequent or infrequent manner. Ahead, we get into what triggers could cause rosacea to flare up and how you can try to avoid them.
Occasionally confused with acne breakouts, rosacea is a common skin condition in which your complexion is constantly flushed red. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, rosacea initially starts with people who blush more often than others. It can then develop into perpetual redness and may appear in different forms ranging from ocular rosacea (in which eyes and eyelids can become irritated and swollen) to phymatous rosacea (when skin thickens into a bumpy texture).
According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s possible to develop rosacea at different stages of your life, especially if you smoke or have a family history of the condition. Additionally, people who have fair skin or are over the age of 30 are more prone to rosacea popping up as a skin condition.
Should you be diagnosed with rosacea, here are a few triggers that could be setting it off.
#1: Emotional Responses
Although the exact cause of rosacea remains unclear, it is confirmed that the condition is somehow tied to abnormal reactions in blood vessels. Since certain emotional responses—such as stress—cause a change to the rate of your blood pressure and vessel size, it’s quite possible your emotional responses could be behind your rosacea episode(s).
#2: Certain Food & Drinks
According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), spicy foods and alcohol could cause rosacea to flare up. Enjoy these in moderation.
#3: Cosmetic & Skin Care Products
What you’re putting on your skin can cause it to react in unwanted ways. Certain products can irritate the skin and if you are prone to rosacea, could cause a rosacea flare up. When in doubt, reach for gentle skin care products and avoid harsh astringents, toners, and ingredients that are known to cause irritation such as camphol, menthol, and sodium lauryl sulfate.
#4: Exercising
When you’re exercising (especially if it’s a vigorous workout), your heart rate increases and causes your blood to pump through much faster. Your blood vessels also expand to compensate for the increased need of oxygen. This causes your skin to flush which can exacerbate rosacea symptoms.
#5: Environmental Factors
The sun and the wind are the culprits of plenty of other common skin ailments on their own. But extreme weather conditions could leave your face looking red for longer periods of time.
Here are a couple of measures you can take to help keep your rosacea under control.
#1: Limit Environmental Exposure
To avoid the effects of the sun or other environmental factors, make sure you’re taking the proper protective measures prior to stepping outside. Be sure to apply sunscreen (no matter which season it may be), and wear hats or scarves in colder climates for extra protection.
#2: Relax
Should you find your rosacea to be stress-induced, take some time to sit back and have a breather. We’re fans of DIY spa days and face masks to wind down.
#3: Explore Medical Options
If you’re prone to episodes of rosacea, your doctor may prescribe certain oral or topical medications to keep on hand. These can help reign in the visible signs of rosacea.
#4: Be Mindful of Skin Care Products & Makeup
Although makeup could be a good option to cover up the redness that accompanies rosacea, remember that makeup products may be causing that rosacea to appear in the first place. Be sure to avoid any sort of irritant, especially if you have sensitive skin. The same goes for any skin care products you’re using: make sure to use soap-free cleansing products and those that have a low pH level. Also, take care to moisturize on a regular basis.
To learn more about rosacea, read our FAQ here!
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