Dry Brushing: Why It's Time to Try This Spa-Inspired Routine
May 05, 2016As your body’s largest organ, your skin can take a lot of hits. From damaging UV rays to environmental pollutants to whatever was in that dust the cars kicked up during your walk to work—when it comes to the first line of defense, your skin has you covered. This is why it’s as important to treat the skin on your body with the same TLC you give to your face. One way we like to give our bodies a boost is with a time-honored spa tradition: dry brushing. Not familiar with this body exfoliating spa technique? We’re sharing the dish on dry brushing, below.
The Benefits of Dry Brushing
Much like it sounds, dry brushing is the act of using a natural-bristle brush—or even a dry loofah, if your skin is sensitive—to gently brush off the dry surface skin in circular movements. Like other types of body exfoliation, dry brushing can help give the skin a more radiant appearance, and rid the body of dead skin cell build up on the surface of skin. If that’s not reason enough to give dry brushing a shot, how about the fact that this spa-inspired technique can help wake you—and your skin—up each morning with a gentle massage? That’s reason enough for us!
Finding the Right Dry Brush
One of the most important aspects of dry brushing is the brush. Look for a one that has natural bristles, like The Body Shop’s Long Handled Cactus Body Brush. This body brush is made out of Maguey cactus fibers and can be used for body dry brushing and exfoliating in the shower with your favorite body polish.
How to Dry Brush Skin
Once you've found a brush that works for you, begin at your feet and move the brush in upward, circular motions towards your heart, working your way to your chest—you can go over these areas a few times before moving onto the upper body. When you reach your upper body, practice the same circular motions, moving the brush towards your heart, but with a gentler touch. Once you’re done exfoliating your entire body, jump in the shower to rinse off all those newly loosened dead skin cells and other impurities, pat your skin dry, and apply your favorite body lotion or cream.
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