4 Places Not to Forget to Apply Sunscreen
May 18, 2020We may be spending less time outdoors than usual right now thanks to COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean you should skimp on sunscreen. According to the CDC, it can take as few as 15 minutes to get sun damage when unprotected. And now that warmer, sunnier weather is here, it’s even more important to be thorough in your SPF application and take other sun protection measures, not only to help protect from sun damage like sunburns, but skin cancer as well. In addition to covering the main areas of your face and limbs, don’t forget about the smaller, easy-to-forget areas listed below.
Your Scalp and Hairline
If you’re not wearing a hat in the sun, the delicate skin on your head is at risk for sun damage. If you don’t want to apply a lotion so close to your hair (we get it!), powder sunscreen may be a good alternative. Our editors like the Supergoop! Poof Part Powder.
Your Ears
In addition to your hairline, Dr. Orit Markowitz, board-certified dermatologist and director of pigmented lesions and skin cancer at Mount Sinai in New York City, notes that the ears are an area that people might not realize you can develop skin cancer on. “Just try not to get it inside your ear canal as this can clog and cause build up and damage inside the canal,” she says.
Your Eyelids
To avoid irritation, Dr. Markowitz recommends using a sensitive skin-friendly physical blocker or a sunscreen specifically formulated for the eye area.
The Tops of Your Feet
When you start wearing sandals and open-toe shoes, don’t forget to extend your sunscreen down to the tops of your feet and toes.
Do You Really Need to Apply Sunscreen on These Areas Every Time You Go Outside?
Dr. Markowitz says yes. “Obviously if you are wearing close-toe shoes or a large brim hat, baseball cap or sunglasses, these physical blockers also provide a certain level of sun protection,” she says, but unless you’re wearing sun protection clothing, “having a base layer of sunscreen is always a good idea.”
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